Saturday, January 31, 2009

Killing rumors and prejudices...

A friend of mine lives in the US and he orders something called snus from a swedish website.
Snus is tobacco you put under your lip btw.

Anyways, he shows me this site and the clothes they are selling claiming it to be Swedish fashion.
I laughed my socks off!
OMG, they are selling clogs, kneesocks and wollen sweaters like it´s how we dresses.
Haha yeah right.

Boras, my hometown, is known for once being the Swedish capital of textile industries.
Nowadays almost all textiles are made in cheaper countries but we still have designschools and a lot of famous designers.
We dress just like everyone else.
In fact, people in the US dresses like we did 10 years ago, strange actually.

I´ve also heard that it seems to be some kind of saying that we have Polarbears walking around on the streets.
Well I hate to break it to you guys but the only Polarbears we have here is at a Zoo.
But we do have Elks and we do sell Elk-poo to Germans for a fortune.
That to me is wicked ; )

1 comment:

  1. nice write well. David B
